It's that time of year when your skin can feel ravaged by the cold weather, and you may be despairing with dry, dull winter-worn skin.
However, there's a big difference between dry and dehydrated skin, even though they both feel similar and the solutions are not the same.
One way to distinguish between the two is to check your forehead in the mirror. Visible horizontal fine lines (a bit like crepe paper) may be a sign of dehydration.
Alternatively, try this simple test for dehydration: Pinch the skin on the back of your hand, holding it up for a few seconds and release. Skin with good hydration should snap back quickly. If your skin takes time to return to its original position, it's likely to be dehydrated.
Dry Skin
Dry skin is a skin type, and it means you lack oil.
The feel: Your skin will feel taut all over your body, your hands, legs and scalp. When you moisturise, your skin is likely to soak it up quickly and may feel dry again by the afternoon.
The look and feel: You may also experience cracking, flaking, rough patches and sensitive skin too. Your pores will be small and tight, and you may see fine lines.
The solution: use oil or cream-based products suitable for dry skin, look out for products containing oleic acid-rich oils such as Olive, Avocado, Jojoba and Apricot kernel oil. Regular massage will increase the circulation in the tiny blood vessels that feed your skin's growing layers, improving skin health.
Dehydrated Skin
Dehydrated skin is a skin condition; your skin is lacking water. Dehydration can be due to many factors such as diet, skincare products, central heating and the weather.
When your skin is dehydrated, it creates more oil to compensate for the lack of water, leading to breakouts, sensitivity and dryness. To make matters worse, your skin can feel oily and dry at the same time.
The test: Pinch the skin on the back of your hand, holding it up for a few seconds and release. Skin with adequate hydration should snap back quickly; however, if your skin takes time to return to its original position, it's likely to be dehydrated.
The look and feel: Your skin will feel tight, and the surface will feel dry to the touch, it will feel better after a shower or steam room. You may also have dry, dehydrated lips. It may look dull, and you may see fine horizontal lines on your forehead.
The solution: work out what's causing the dehydration (your diet and lifestyle, skincare products or the weather) and use water-rich lotion products to balance. Layer your products such as a water-based serum under your moisturiser. Reducing your sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake and increasing your water and herbal tea intake will also help.
Folli Oil products are suitable for both dry and dehydrated skin as we use oils that balance sebum production. Ensuring your skin is nourished, and your skin barrier replenished, helping to lock in moisture without being too rich for oily skins.